Algae, moss and fungus are among the oldest (not oldest profession) and most primitive life forms on earth. Ridding your home of them is difficult because they can exist on material considered far too difficult for most other living things. Chlorine and bleach based cleaners are poor choices at best for treating mosses, algae and mildew fungus. Chlorine, while excellent for non porous surfaces like counter tops, toilets, shower glass etc has liitle if any ability to actually penetrate the subsurface of porous surfaces. Thus it does not effectively penetrate the cell walls of these organisms, so its cleaning effect is on moss and algae is superficial, making its effectiveness only temporary. Re growth of the moss or algae is only weeks or months away. Roof cleaning products containing Sodium Hydroxide (bleach) or Trisodium Phosphate (TSP), although quite effective in cleaning roofs, are the principal ingredient in most toxic cleaners like oven, or drain cleaners ( and I am sure you have breathed them…yech). These chemicals are very corrosive and may damage gutters, siding, flashing, and painted surfaces, to name a few. Also most shrubbery, plants and other types of decorative vegetation will not tolerate even the smallest dose of these toxic brews. The use of Sodium Hydroxide should be left to the professionals who have the proper training, equipment and expertise to minimize health risks and property and environmental damage (see the blog on the fish kill). Wash Safe products are an infinitely safer and more effective method for cleaning moss, algae and mildew. Our oxygen based product has the ability to penetrate the cell walls of these organisms, prohibit the absorption of the necessary water borne nutrients thus distroying the plant in a matter of hours. Best of all our products are safe for plants, pets and people. If you have a choice, and give a damn, the choice should be easy… it’s all up to us
Yet another question about roof cleaning…bleach???
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